Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Importance of Chemistry to Nursing

Chemistry is a science that focuses on the composition and properties between a variety of substances and different forms of matter and their interaction with each other. Chemistry is also a physical science that analyzes various atoms, molecules, crystals and other aggregates of matter.

On the other hand, nursing is an art and science. It interplays with other disciplines outside nursing such as social, behavioral, and physical sciences. Nursing, as a profession is unique because it is focus on health promotion, health maintenance, and health problems of individuals and families (Funnel, 2008).

Dissecting the definition of chemistry and nursing will help us realize that indeed the two are interrelated. Take notice that as defined, chemistry focuses on physical science and nursing as a profession derive their practice from physical sciences.
Chemistry in nursing is very important because it will guide the nurses in understanding the medications that he/she is administering to his/her patients.

Having an understanding of chemistry will enable the nurse why medications with the same generic names or within the same classification do not work the same. For example, cephalosporin is one antibiotic classification. Cephalosporins are group of antibiotics that treat a variety of bacterial infections in the human body. However, each drug within the group kills specific bacteria. It is therefore vital for nurses to have the knowledge why specific antibiotics are prescribed by the physician to his/her patient.

Chemistry will also guide the nurse understand the present condition of the patient. Understanding the importance of Sodium (Na), Potassium (K), Chloride (Cl), Bicarbonate (HCO3), Carbon dioxide (CO2), Oxygen (O) and other electrolytes in the body will guide the nurse to identify if his/her patient is experiencing electrolyte imbalance. The nurse must be adept in understanding the concept of fluid and electrolyte imbalance in the human body because patients might be experiencing metabolic and respiratory acidosis or alkalosis while under your care because if you do not have the knowledge about these things,the patient might die under your care.

It is vital for nurses to have the skills to take care of their patient emotionally but it is also important to have the necessary knowledge to interpret data regarding patient condition to treat the physical symptoms accurately.

Funnell, R. (2008).Tabbner's nursing care: theory and practice, 5th edition. Churchill Livingstone: Australia


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